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London, SE1 2EL

Integrated Community Pathway Service Lead

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Clinical: To provide specialist psychological assessments of service users with mental health difficulties, personality difficulties and high harm offending histories referred to the service based upon the appropriate use, interpretation and integration of complex data from a variety of sources including psychological and neuropsychological tests, self-report measures, rating scales, direct and indirect structured observations and semi-structured interviews with service users, family members and others involved in the their care. To formulate and implement plans for the formal psychological treatment and/or management of a service users clinical problems and risk, based upon an appropriate conceptual framework, and employing methods based upon evidence of efficacy, across the full range of care settings. To be responsible for implementing a range of psychological interventions for individuals, carers, families and groups, within and across teams employed individually and in synthesis, adjusting and refining psychological formulations drawing upon different explanatory models and maintaining a number of provisional hypotheses. To contribute to the development and maintenance of the highest professional standards of practice, through active participation in internal and external CPD training and development programmes, in consultation with the post holders professional and service manager(s). To contribute to the development and articulation of best practice across the service, by continuing to develop the skills of a reflexive and reflective scientist practitioner, taking part in regular professional supervision and appraisal and maintaining an active engagement with current developments in the field of forensic psychology and related disciplines. To provide clinical supervision and professional management for qualified clinical/forensic/counselling psychologists and other psychological therapists, ensuring that they continue after qualification to acquire the necessary skills, competencies and experience to contribute effectively to health care, and to contribute to the assessment and evaluation of such competencies. To help lead the development of the OPD community Pathway services across London, involving clinical staff and representatives from other agencies as appropriate. To contribute to the development, evaluation and monitoring of the services operational policies and services, through the deployment of professional skills in research, service evaluation and audit. To formulate and implement plans for the formal psychological treatment and/or management of a service users clinical problems and risk, based upon an appropriate conceptual framework, and employing methods based upon evidence of efficacy, across the full range of care settings. To be responsible for implementing a range of psychological interventions for individuals, carers, families and groups, within and across teams employed individually and in synthesis, adjusting and refining psychological formulations drawing upon different explanatory models and maintaining a number of provisional hypotheses. To evaluate and make decisions about intervention options taking into account both theoretical and therapeutic models of highly complex factors concerning historical and developmental processes that have shaped the individual, family or group. To exercise autonomous professional responsibility for the assessment, intervention and discharge of service users whose problems are managed by psychologically based standard care plans. To provide specialist psychological advice, guidance and consultation to other professionals contributing directly to service users formulation and intervention plan. In particular, to offer expert opinion on highly complex cases where professional opinions often differ and there are no obvious solutions. To contribute directly and indirectly to a psychologically based framework of understanding and care to the benefit of all service users of the service, across all settings and agencies. Management responsibilities To provide both service and professional management on those aspects of the service where psychological and/or organisational matters need addressing. To manage the workloads of the staff in their service, within the framework of the Trusts policies and procedures. To take responsibility for co-ordinating the short listing and interviewing of new staff. To be proficient in the use of IT for email, intranet, and clinical record keeping purposes. To be familiar with word processing, database and statistical packages, and to use such packages appropriately as necessary. Manage direct reports to ensure systems are implemented to manage, supervise, appraise and communicate to all clinical service staff in the service. Ensure staff operate to the standards required by the regulators and the Codes of Practice of relevant professional bodies and comply with Trust policies and procedures. Provide day-to-day management within the Service line, ensuring that staff are able to contribute effectively to the achievement of objectives and targets To maintain registration with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), or equivalent regulatory body relevant to your profession. To follow the Lone Working Policy ensuring that home visiting, and any autonomous activity is effectively reported and logged. To take all possible precautions to safeguard the welfare and safety of staff, service users, visitors and the public, by implementing all policies related to health, safety, security and risk. To ensure attendance of all staff at Trust mandatory training. To support staff through the analysis of critical incidents. Leadership To provide clinical leadership within the Integrated Community Pathway Service, ensuring the effective working of the team and a psychologically informed framework for the team and wider service. To receive regular clinical professional supervision from the Clinical Lead and, where appropriate, other senior professional colleagues. To develop skills in the area of professional post-graduate teaching, training and supervision and to provide supervision to other staffs psychological work as appropriate. Work with finance colleagues to ensure value for money and financial/budgetary activities are actioned and implemented in a timely manner. Comply with the Trust financial standing instructions ensuring that any financial targets are met. Act as authorising signatory for capital and revenue budgets within agreed limits for inpatient and / or community services. Support the service to meet its budgetary management responsibilities whilst balancing internal and external demands placed upon them. Clinical To provide specialist psychological assessments of service users with mental health difficulties, personality difficulties and high harm offending histories referred to the service based upon the appropriate use, interpretation and integration of complex data from a variety of sources including psychological and neuropsychological tests, self-report measures, rating scales, direct and indirect structured observations and semi-structured interviews with service users, family members and others involved in the their care. To undertake risk assessment and risk management for service users and to provide advice to other professions on psychological aspects of risk assessment and risk management. This should include the provision of Court reports and attendance at Court as an Expert. To communicate in a skilled and sensitive manner, information concerning the assessment, formulation and treatment plans of service users under their care and to monitor progress during the course of both uni- and multi-disciplinary care. To provide professional and clinical supervision of psychological therapists, clinical practitioners and other team members as necessary. To contribute to the pre- and post-qualification teaching, as appropriate. To provide highly specialist advice, consultation and training of staff working with the service user group across a range of agencies and settings, where appropriate. This to include work with the Criminal Justice System and Social Services. Research To use theory, evidence-based literature and research to support evidence-based practice in individual work and work with other team members. To undertake appropriate research advice to other staff undertaking research. To work with health, performance management staff and other relevant agencies to manage the data collection and analysis required to evaluate the service. To undertake and lead on project management, including complex audit and service evaluation, with colleagues within the forensic service to help develop service provision. Support recruitment and ensure succession planning and development of clinical and managerial leaders. Be responsible for dealing with and resolving staffing problems in a positive and constructive manner that cannot be resolved at a local level. Communication To maintain the highest standards of clinical record keeping including electronic data entry and recording, report writing and the responsible exercise of professional self-governance in accordance with professional codes of practice of the British Psychological Society, Health and Care Professions Council, or equivalent regulatory body relevant to your profession and Trust policies and procedures. To maintain up to date knowledge of legislation, national and local policies and issues in relation to service users with personality difficulties and a history of high harm offending. On Call/Unsocial Hours No unsocial hours.
Expiry date: 17/09/2024
Integrated Community Pathway Service Lead
Job Type
London, SE1 2EL
Our Commitments
Disability Confident
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